Two fighting clubs
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Lot: 54
101st AuctionTwo fighting clubs
Provenance | Size | Starting price / estimated price |
Rudolf Leopold, Vienna, Austria |
500 EUR
plus 27 % commission, VAT, transport and insurance |
a) nail club, southeastern Australia, hardwood, iron nails, l: 73 cm
b) club, southeastern Australia, hardwood, L: 61 cm
Aboriginals in eastern Australia used a wide range of clubs for fighting and hunting.
Feuding occurred mainly between clans or local groups, but fights within camps were a common event. Vendettas were carried on for years and often led to numerous deaths.
Generally the main purpose of warfare was to avenge an insult or crime or to capture women - never to capture the land or other possessions of an enemy.
Carrick, John (ed.), Art of the first Australians, Camperdown o.J., p. 20, ill. 223 (a) / p. 19, ill. 215 (b)