Lot: 334

101st Auction

Male power figure "nkisi" / nkishi"

D. R. Congo, Songe, Kalebwe

Provenance Size Starting price / estimated price
Maria Wyss, Basel, Switzerland H: 13.8 inch / 16.3 inch (with horn) sold

wood, animal horn, pigments, base

This figure shows a beautiful rich, in places slightly sticky sacrificial patina. The antelope horn still sticking in the head symbolizes strength, fertility and abundance. Remains of magical charge "bishimba" has preserved in the abdominal cavity.

This was specially customized by the medicine man "nganga" to the personal needs of the respective client, or his problem or the solution of the same.

These little "nkisi" were made for the private use of an individual and were kept in their owner's home. In order to motivate the ancestors to provide assistance, suppliants offer prayers and sacrifices to them.