With our extensive catalogue and image database you can search for objects from our tribal art auctions and discover their sale prices.
Connoisseurs, collectors, institutions and students value this archive as a reliable reference for non-European art. Besides richly illustrated descriptions are scientifically based catagorisations, comparative works and well researched provenance information on the objects on offer in recent years.


Auction 103
Artworks from the Vienna collection of Erwin Melchardt, art critic, cultural editor, and auction expert. Selected pieces from the collection of Bruno Heimberg, Munich, former restorer of the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen and Director of the Doerner Institute. Objects from the collection of Helmut Bruchner, Munich. Pre-Columbian ceramics from the estate of Klaus Kalz, Berlin (Part 2).
Artworks from the Vienna collection of Erwin Melchardt, art critic, cultural editor, and auction expert. Selected pieces from the collection of Bruno Heimberg, Munich, former restorer of the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen and Director of the Doerner Institute. Objects from the collection of Helmut Bruchner, Munich. Pre-Columbian ceramics from the estate of Klaus Kalz, Berlin (Part 2).

102nd Auction
Historically significant art works from Africa and the Pacific region in a Munich private collection closely connected with the Linden-Museum and Ludwig Bretschneider. Selected pieces from the collections of Werner Zintl (Part 2) and Alexander Kubetz (Part 2). First part of exquisite ceramics from the Moche and Nazca cultures coming from the estate of Klaus Kalz.
Historically significant art works from Africa and the Pacific region in a Munich private collection closely connected with the Linden-Museum and Ludwig Bretschneider. Selected pieces from the collections of Werner Zintl (Part 2) and Alexander Kubetz (Part 2). First part of exquisite ceramics from the Moche and Nazca cultures coming from the estate of Klaus Kalz.

101st Auction
Art from Africa and Oceania
Historical Pacific art from german private collections: Malagan figures from the estate of Alexander Kubetz. South Sea clubs from Fiji and Samoa. Paddles from the Austral Islands belonging to a 19th century collection. Fine Maori art.
African art works from the Bernhard Jäger collection. North-African jewelry from the estate of Dietrich von Reininghaus.
Historical Pacific art from german private collections: Malagan figures from the estate of Alexander Kubetz. South Sea clubs from Fiji and Samoa. Paddles from the Austral Islands belonging to a 19th century collection. Fine Maori art.
African art works from the Bernhard Jäger collection. North-African jewelry from the estate of Dietrich von Reininghaus.

Online Auction
Pre-Columbian art, antiquities, art from Africa, Oceania and Asia. Ceramic vessels and gold works from the Michael Beckmann Collection as well as selected works from the Gerhard Asche Collection.

Sale 100
Anniversary Auction SALE 100
100 masterful works of unbridled creativity, artistic sophistication and with first-class provenances.
100 masterful works of unbridled creativity, artistic sophistication and with first-class provenances.

Voorhuis, Part II - Timed Online Auction
Part 2 of the collection of Ursula Heijs-Voorhuis, The Netherlands
End of auction: Tuesday, February 28, 2023
End of auction: Tuesday, February 28, 2023

99th Auction
African, Oceanic and Pre-Columbian Art
An important collection of a german art dealer. Selected works from the private collections of Robert Lewitzki, Heinrich Kolberg, Ursula Heijs-Voorhuis and Horst Hornstadt.
An important collection of a german art dealer. Selected works from the private collections of Robert Lewitzki, Heinrich Kolberg, Ursula Heijs-Voorhuis and Horst Hornstadt.

98th Auction
Africa, Oceania and Japan
Fine old art from European estates and private collections. Art works from Africa and Japan in the collection of Dr. Werner Zintl.
Fine old art from European estates and private collections. Art works from Africa and Japan in the collection of Dr. Werner Zintl.

97th Auction
Africa, Oceania, Pre-Columbia
Fine old art from Africa, Oceania, Asia and America. The Munich private collection of Dr. Walter Grasser. The Dutch collection of Piet Lepelaar (Part 2).
Fine old art from Africa, Oceania, Asia and America. The Munich private collection of Dr. Walter Grasser. The Dutch collection of Piet Lepelaar (Part 2).

Benefit Auction "Flood Disaster"
Charity project of the Lions-Hilfswerks Würzburg-West e.V. for the Lions Flood Fund 2021 of the German Lions.

Timed Online Auction: Collector's Items Sale
Non-European art and ethnographic works from European estates and private collections
End of auction: Thursday, September 16, 2021
End of auction: Thursday, September 16, 2021

96th Auction
Fine old art from Africa, Australia, Oceania and Asia. Art works from the Dutch Collection of Piet Lepelaar. The African Weapons Collection from Dieter Schaffner.

95th Tribal Art Auction
African, Oceanic & pre-Columbian Art. Art works from European private collections. Selected works of art from the collections of Günther Hartmann (Berlin), Rolf Huisgen (Munich), Knud Nielsen (Jelling) and Edmondo Trombetta (Monza)

Voyage Tribal Art - Live Online Auction
Voyage Tribal Art - an art trip to the impressive works of Old America, Asia, Australia and Africa as well as to the antiquities of Europe and Egypt

94th Tribal Art Auction
Fine old Tribal Art from Africa, Australia, Oceania, Asia and America. The Stockholm Tribal Art Collection of Peter Willborg (special catalogue). Art works from Africa and Oceani from the Swiss private collection of Walter Stanley Schwab. Pre-Columbian artworks from the German private collection of Anna Maria Posset.

93rd Tribal Art Auction
Fine old Tribal Art from Africa, Oceania and Asia. Works of African and European art from the 20th and 21st centuries. African weapons from the private collections of Hubert Pettenkofer and Dieter Schaffner. Contemporary Native American Art of the Hoffmann private collection (Part 2).

92nd Tribal Art Auction
African art works from the private european collections René Rickli (Olten), Alfred Angst (Zurich), Jürgen Peters (Nuremberg) and Alfred Klinkmüller (Berlin). Fine old Tribal Art from Africa, Australia, Oceania and Asia.

91 Tribal Art Auction
Fine old Tribal Art from Africa, Australia, Asia, Oceania and North America. Non-European art from international private collections. Royal arts of the Akan people from the Swiss collection of Roland Hartmann.

90.I Tribal Art and 90.II Contemporary Native American Art
Session I: Tribal Art (Lots 1 - 341)
17 November 2018 – 2 pm
Tribal Art, Japan, Contemporary Art & Ceramics
Session II: Contemporary Native American Art (Lots 342 - 574)
20 November 2018 – 2 pm
The private collection of the Americanist, Prof. Gerhard and Dr. Gisela Hoffmann
17 November 2018 – 2 pm
Tribal Art, Japan, Contemporary Art & Ceramics
Session II: Contemporary Native American Art (Lots 342 - 574)
20 November 2018 – 2 pm
The private collection of the Americanist, Prof. Gerhard and Dr. Gisela Hoffmann

89th Tribal Art Auction
The collection of the Wuppertal artist Gerd Hanebeck with objects from the Han Coray collection. African art works from European collections, including an important group of historical Mumuye figures and special works of art from Nigeria. Selected objects from Papua New Guinea.

88th Tribal Art Auction
Non-European art from international private collections:
Classic tribal art from the Berlin Collection Gerda Bassenge (1915-1995).
Native American Art from the private collection Christian Pysik, Aachen.
Fine old tribal art from Africa, Asia, Oceania and North America.

87th Tribal Art Auction
Non-European art from international private collections:
Gabun masks and memorabilia from the Albert Schweitzer collection coming from the Emmy Martin estate. The second part of the Heinz Kolerski collection (1936-2012). Small figures and fetishes from the african collection of the german artist Günther Filla (1952-2015). Heddle pulleys coming from the collection Mona Etienne (ethnologist in the 1960s/70s). Fine old tribal art from Africa, Asia, Oceania and North America.

86th Tribal Art Auction
Volume I: The collection Walter Schmidt – classic tribal art in post-war Germany (special catalogue). Volume II: Fine old tribal art from Africa, Asia, Oceania and North America. The Berlin collection from the architect and artist Ludwig Leicher (1895-1963). Objects from the Africa collection of the artist Bernhard Jäger.

85th Tribal Art Auction
Classic, traditional and exceptional art works. Notable carving works, ex. collection Edith Hafter, Solothurn, Switzerland. The Ethiopian Collection of Sachau-Zeies. The second part of the Rielau Collection. Masks and sculptures from the peoples of Gabon. An important gold jewellery collection from the Akan peoples. Small 'mu po' sculptures from Cameroon. Oceanic and South Pacific art.

84th Tribal Art Auction
The private collections Poul Mørk (1938-2013) and Alex Wittendorf (1931-2013), both Copenhagen, Denmark. Tribal Art objects from the Art Collection Helga & Hans-Jürgen Müller, Stuttgart. The colonial Cameroon Collection from the painter Wolfgang Röhricht (1886-1953), Berlin. The collection from Rolf Christoph Lutz (1930-2016), medical missionary for the Basler Mission in Ghana. Important Ethnographics from the colonial collection Kloppe in German South-West Africa.

83rd Tribal Art Auction
Fine old tribal art from Africa, Asia, Australia, Oceania and America. The Nias collection of Dr. Heinrich Sundermann (1849-1919). Anton Handl in Cameroon. Significant works of art from the Cameroon Grassfields.

82nd Tribal Art Auction
The private collection of Hans Rielau. Treasures from West Africa and Central Africa. Memorial heads from the Akan. Elegant Baule figures. New Ireland sculptures with historically important provenances. Finely worked combs and basket-works from the South Seas. Old war club from the Ojibwe people (18th century). Voodoo and headhunting objects.

81st Tribal Art Auction
A rich and diverse selection: Important and powerful sculptures and masks from Africa, Australia, Asia and Oceania. Sensitive and delicate barkpaintings from the western Arnhemland. Samurai armaments from the Edo Period. A fine old Netsuke collection. Ceramics from the Nazca culture as well as works from the Inuit and First Nations.

80th Tribal Art Auction
From Alaska to South Africa: A Tribal Art journey around the world, from antique Egypt to the art of the post-colonial era.

79th Tribal Art Auction
Impacts for the creations of Classical Modernism: Masterful carvings from West and Central Africa. Fine old tribal art from Africa, Oceania, Asia, and America. Objects of the pre-Columbian age.

78th tribal art auction
Fine old tribal art from Africa, Oceania, Asia, and America as well as objects from the pre-Columbian period. Ivory insignia of the ‚bwami‘ society. African dolls from the Bofinger Collection, Stuttgart (Germany).

77th tribal art auction
Fine old tribal art from Africa, Oceania, Asia, and America as well as Classical Antiquities. Carvings from the collections of renowned collectors and respected experts. Benin – A Kingdoms Masterpieces.

76th tribal art auction
Insights in the diversity and quality of fine old art from Africa, Pre-Columbian Art from the Cologne Collection Oberle. Selected pieces from the South Seas.

75th tribal art auction
Fine old art from Africa, Asia, Australia, Oceania and America. The Private Collections Eduard Hess (Oberwil near Basel, Switzerland), Antonio Fiacco (Zurich, Switzerland) as well as Heinz Kolerski (Fellbach, Germany).

74th tribal art auction
Fine old african and oceanic tribal art from european private and colonial collections. Art from the Inuit.

73rd tribal art auction
African and oceanic tribal art from european private collections. The Private Collection Walter Hekster (Amsterdam): Monumental sculptures from Tanzania.

72nd tribal art auction
African, oceanic and native american tribal art from european private collections. Rare pieces from the colonial collection Artur Roesler (Clausthal-Zellerfeld). Objects from the Udo Petry Collection (Hohnhorst).

71st tribal art auction
Tribal art from Africa, Oceania and America

70th tribal art auction
African and oceanic tribal art from european private collections

69th tribal art auction
African, oceanic and pre-Columbian tribal art from european private collections

68th tribal art auction
African, oceanic and pre-columbian tribal art from european private collections
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