Lot: 478

Auction 103

Two pairs of anklets


Provenance Size Starting price / estimated price
Erwin & Susanne Melchardt, Vienna, Austria 400 EUR
plus 27 % commission, VAT, transport and insurance

a) pair of anklets, southern Egypt, Sudan, Nubian, copper alloy (brass), silver-plated, hollow-worked, engraved, negatively embossed, appliqués, d: 7.6 cm / 14 cm (inside/outside), h: 4.6 cm, weight: 199 g & 210 g

b) pair of small anklets, silver alloy (500), hollow-worked, numerous small pendants, d: 7 cm / 9.2 cm (inside/outside), h: 1.8 (3.6) cm, weight: 91 g & 92 g