Standing power figure "biteki"
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Lot: 393
Auction 103Standing power figure "biteki"
D. R. Congo, Yaka
Provenance | Size | Starting price / estimated price |
Rudolf Leopold, Vienna, Austria Erwin & Susanne Melchardt, Vienna, Austria |
H: 12.2 inch |
2000 EUR
plus 27 % commission, VAT, transport and insurance |
wood, clay-like mass, mirror glass, base
The figure carries magical loading "bilongo" in a bulbous package in front of its body.
Bourgeois, Arthur P., Art of the Yaka and Suku, Paris 1984, p. 107
Wipplinger, Hans-Peter (Hg.), "Fremde Götter. Faszination Afrika und Ozeanien", Köln 2016, p. 82 (left)
Wien, Leopold Museum: "Fremde Götter. Faszination Afrika und Ozeanien", 23. September 2016 - 9. Januar 2017